Frequently Asked Questions

When will I see results?

We recommend using DABALASH once a day. You should start noticing visible results in 3 – 6 weeks. Using DABALASH every day the appearance of your lashes and brows will dramatically transform into longer, fully, thicker lashes and brows. It’s like a magic wand. Lashes so long and beautiful you never imagine you could have. Double your lashes and brows and fall in love with your eyes.

Where do I buy DABALASH?

How long will a tube last?

Can I use eyelash extensions?

Can I use contact lenses?

Can I use DABALASH while pregnant?

Can I use DABALASH while receiving chemotherapy?

What happens if I stop using DABALASH?

Can I be Allergic to DABALASH?

What are the differences between DABALASH and other similar products?

What ingredients does Dabalash contain?